Where oh where is Dr. Debt these days?
by Mary Ann Marriott · January 27, 2025
Wow! I really suck at Blogging lately!!
I bet you all thought I forgot about you. Or fell off the face of the earth!
Nope! I’m still here and I haven’t forgotten about you, It’s been a whirlwind of stuff happening and this site has taken a back row seat.
So, I thought I would pop in to say “Hello” and let you know what I have been up to and where you can go to find the most up-to-date money and debt advice.
I was asked to co-host a segment with this lovely lady, Ashley Christian on 99.3 QCCR (Queen County Radio). Welcome to “Lets Talk Money” where we break the barriers on money talk every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at noon (Atlantic Time/11:00 AM Eastern).
These are short segments, approximately 6 minutes long with focused advice. The same segment plays each day that week.
You can listen to past shows at https://www.qccrfm.com/lets-talk-money.shtml#start (There is only one show there at the moment, we are working on getting the others listed)

You are welcome to hang out with me on Facebook. I occasionally post tips, share relevant information, money funnies and testimonials.
Hop on over to https://www.facebook.com/akaDrDebt/
And when I am not doing all of those things, I am at my day job as a Licensed Insolvency Trustee at Allan Marshall & Associates.
Also writing blogs and doing podcasts for our very informative site! www.wecanhelp.ca
We have some great information on this site that you are welcome to. Check out the Blogs Tab and the Podcast subtab or our free 5-part Debt Free Living email series (scroll down and you will see it in the right-hand menu on any page)

That’s it! That’s what I have been up to. Mostly. 😉
I have an unrelated side business. You can check it out at www.MaryAnnMarriott.com
Or simply enjoy the resources above and I will pop back in here when I get a moment to take a breath … I promise!
Wishing you all happy, healthy finances!
Mary Ann
aka Dr Debt
LIT – Allan Marshall & Associates Inc.