Where oh where is Dr. Debt these days?
Wow! I really suck at Blogging lately!! I bet you all thought I forgot about you. Or fell off the face of the earth! Nope! I’m still here and I haven’t forgotten about you,...
Wow! I really suck at Blogging lately!! I bet you all thought I forgot about you. Or fell off the face of the earth! Nope! I’m still here and I haven’t forgotten about you,...
Let’s face it, there are many good reasons to have an emergency fund. I am going to focus on the top 3. Emergency funds break your dependency on credit! We treat credit as our...
This little piggy went to market This little piggy stayed home This little piggy had coins This little piggy had none… Savings! “Save 10% of your income.” “A penny saved is a penny earned.”...
Budgeting & Money Management / Credit Relationships / Dealing with Debt / Get Out of Debt / Money Motivation Moments / Uncategorized
It’s payday. You’re trying to figure out what to pay, how much you need to get you through the month (or following your spending plan that you created to make life easier! Yes!). You...
I am totally going out on a limb with this one, but stay with me… You have all this debt. It’s depressing. You stress about the payments. You can’t have any fun because of...
Recently I was led to pondering one of the main objectives of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. And that is providing a fresh start to the honest, but unfortunate, debtor. I found myself asking (myself), “Who is the honest, but unfortunate debtor?”
Keeping track doesn’t have to be painful. You want to find a system that works for you, something not too complicated. You don’t have to track expenses for the rest of your life, but hopefully, you will realize the value, as I have, and want to make it part of your financial plan.
I’m starting this blog with a little joke that found it’s way to me in my inbox. And it goes like this… A businessman was in a great deal of trouble. His business was...
Oh the joys and costs of juggling kids during summer vacation. They want to be home and then are bored by the lack of new scenery. Deciding whether to keep them home, pawn the off on family and friends, put them in daycamp, or let them tag along while you work, can be a daunting task. Read on to find out how one little boy and his stressed out Mum learned a valuable lesson one frantic morning.
In what instances should you have more than one credit card. Read the entire blog to find out.