Take our one minute test to see how you rate on the debt danger scaleAre you unsure about the total amount of money owed to all of your creditors?*YesNoAre you running to the bank with a deposit so your cheque won’t bounce?*YesNoAre you relying on credit cards to purchase items you once paid for in cash?*YesNoDo you use cash advances on your credit cards to pay monthy bills?*YesNoHave you taken or considered a second mortgage on your home to meet financial obligations?*YesNoDo you owe money to an average of eight creditors, including department store cards, bank cards, and consumer loans?*YesNoAre you at the limit on most or all of your cards?*YesNoAre you receiving “last notices” on utility bills?*YesNoHave you been receiving telephone calls from collection agencies threatening court action?*YesNoDo you avoid opening the mail or looking at bills when they come in?*YesNoyesCountEmail (optional)Would you like to recieve the results? Please enter your email address. LOW DANGERCongratulations, you have a good handle on your finances. Don`t let that stop you from keeping an eye on to ensure you avoid the danger zones.MODERATE DANGEROh no...there are a few warning signs here. You might want to pay closer attention to your habits. If you need a helping hand, feel free to sign up for our newsletter, RSVP to an upcoming Teleclass or email us your question.DANGER ZONE You are close to a financial meltdown, if you are not already in one. It`s time to take some action and get control. Contact us for a free consultation or visit our Solutions page to help point you in the right direction EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ